There are many days I do not have the time or interest in cooking. While this way of eating makes that task simple there are still times, I crave the flavors and convenience of carryout. Below are some carryout options I have found to be incredibly useful.
To set the table, these options are based on meat, egg, dairy, and seasonings.
Whole Foods – Breakfast
This is easily one of my favorites. I am not even a huge fan of breakfast, but I love bacon. I know it is not everybody’s thing, but I love bacon. Just one more time, I love bacon. To skip the extra clean up I will head to Whole Foods about once a month. They have a breakfast bar where you pay by the pound. I will get a to-go container and fill it with their cooked bacon. I am normally able to get two pounds of cooked bacon for the less than I can buy a pound of uncooked bacon.
Chinese Buffet - Lunch or Dinner
Most Chinese Buffet restaurants have a Mongolian Grill. This is a great option for a carnivore because you can pick all the different types of meat and egg you do not typically want to buy, cook, or prepare for yourself. I do use the oils and seasonings they provide. I have found this this is much like the Whole Foods experience where it is cheaper in many cases to buy cooked food for less than uncooked. The buffets charge per pound for carryout. I leave with more than enough food to break a fast for less than the cost of one dinner adult dinner buffet.
Bar-B-Que – Lunch or Dinner
If you have not taken a tour through your town of the local bar-b-que joints, you are missing out. Brisket, ribs, pulled pork, and smoked sausage are just a few options. I have found the smaller the place and the longer the line the better the food. These places are less likely to have frozen or packed food that is delivered and then covered in sauce. The small, long line, good places can be smelled from a mile away. You can smell the smoker and the meat being cooked fresh for that day. Another tip on a good place. They sell out. These places do not typically have hours. They have quantity for the day and sell it until it is gone. Start your tour to find your carryout place for bar-b-que, you will not forget it.
Mexican Grocery – Lunch or Dinner
If you are lucky enough to have a Mexican grocery in your town or the one over, take a stop in. Head to the deli counter. Our local grocery sells pollo rostizado, homemade carnitas, and fresh chicharrónes. These are all great options for carryout and make fantastic leftovers. You will want to go early as this is another type of business that will sell until they sell out. Get in line and be patient, it will be worth it.
Costco – Lunch or Dinner
I will occasionally pick up a rotisserie chicken at my normal grocery store or Costco when I do my weekly shopping. This is a good option for a quick meal or snack while you put the groceries away. Once I have finished what I want I will pick the meat off and set it aside for the week. I then put the bones in a stockpot to boil down for broth for later in the week.
So, if you hare missing the ability to have carryout or even need a night off from prepping and cooking these are a few options you can consider. Eating meat, eggs, and dairy has put an end to my inflammation and made life much more comfortable. I hope you are having the same experience and these options can keep you going on this way of eating longer.